No Package feature available for rentals
under review
Paolo Azzali
We would like to offer customers "specials" ie special pricing on rentals e.g. buy 5, get 1 free or just special pricing for a certain period of time. Currently this is possible for normal packages but not for rentals. This means we would have 2 mechanisms for tracking rentals, one with new Rentals feature and one via classes and packages which is not ideal.
under review
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Need the ability to create a package for Rentals
Paolo Azzali
The ability to group rentals into a package, which can then have special discounts, custom description and be invoiced as a single line item would be beneficial.
Without this capability Front Desk staff creating invoices need to remember the conditions, pricing, applicable discounts and create multi line invoices, which is very clumsy and error prone compared to having a single line invoice.